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A drone image of the college of arts and sciences.

我们尽一切努力解决学生在大学内的投诉, usually at the school/college or department level, 使用大学课程目录中列出的政策和程序, the Student Handbook, College of Law Academic Handbook, or on the University Policies page.

学生有权使用任何和所有此类行政程序,以尽可能及时地解决问题和/投诉. For procedures regarding:


如果你对某门课程的成绩有疑虑,并且正在考虑对该成绩提出上诉,请参阅 Academic Rules: 8.4.6 Grade Appeals.

有关如何提出投诉的资料,请浏览 Academic Integrity Policy under Reporting an Academic Integrity Violation.

与成绩或学术诚信无关的学术投诉, 请联系系主任或教务长寻求帮助.

Distance Learning Students


The State Authorization

《澳门线上赌场》(SARA)是一项全国性的倡议,旨在提供更多的在线课程,同时保持与州监管机构的合规标准. SARA允许机构在自己的州外提供在线课程,通过一个简化的过程寻求并保持州的批准. New York State joined SARA on December 9, 2016. On February 15, 2017, 国家授权互惠协议委员会(NC-SARA)批准了雪城大学的机构参与.


NC-SARA Student Consumer Protections include:

  • All SARA institutions must be accredited
  • SARA institutions must have U.S. oversight
  • SARA机构必须证明财务状况良好
  • SARA机构对第三方供应商负责
  • SARA institutions must adhere to high standards
  • SARA机构必须坚持严格的报告和问责要求
  • SARA机构被要求在专业执照方面保持透明度
  • SARA机构必须设法履行对学生的义务
  • Student complaints are taken seriously
  • Compliance is non-negotiable

Distance Learning Complaint Process

Any student, including those out-of-state, 想要投诉或申诉的人必须首先按照雪城大学的内部流程提交投诉, typically initiated within the academic department. Grievances related to conduct of faculty, 职员和其他学生应被带到教务处.

如果投诉没有在大学内部得到满意的解决, 然后,学生也可以向监管纽约州高等教育的纽约州教育部(NYSED)和/或中部州高等教育委员会投诉, the University’s accrediting agency.

New York State Education Department
Andrea Richards
Supervisor of Higher Education Programs
89 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12234


New York State Education Department

Violation of Non-Discrimination Policy

如果您有兴趣提交涉嫌违反大学非歧视政策的行为, 有关资料可向平等机会办公室查询, Inclusion and Resolution Services (EOIRS) information page or file a complaint through the Report a Concern form.

Americans with Disabilities Act

如果您对学术住宿或获得课程/服务有疑问, please visit the Center for Disability Services.

如果您觉得自己因残疾而受到歧视,并有兴趣获得有关您的权利的更多信息,请访问 EOIRS's information page or file a complaint through the Report a Concern form.

Bias-Related Incidents

如果您经历或目睹了与偏见有关的事件,并且您想了解更多澳门线上赌场通过匿名网络报告工具报告事件的信息,请访问 STOP Bias.

Code of Conduct

如果你担心的是涉嫌违反学生行为准则, 有关学生行为程序的信息以及如何提出投诉的信息可在 Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. 法学院的学生行为准则,包括申诉程序,可以在 Academic Handbook.

Criminal Activity

如果你是校园犯罪活动的受害者或目击者,并希望提交报告, please call the Department of Public Safety at 315.443.3728 or visit Report a Crime for more information.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

任何有理由认为学校没有遵守FERPA或本政策的学生应以书面形式通知大学注册主任. 书记官长应迅速审查所有这类指控并采取适当行动. For further information see Student Privacy Rights (FERPA).

Title IX

如果你曾经历或目睹性别歧视事件,包括性骚扰, you can obtain information on the process on the EOIRS information page or fill out the form on the Report a Concern page.

University Ombuds

Provides faculty, staff and graduate students with an informal, confidential, 公正和独立的资源,公开解决关切或问题,而不必担心报复或判断. Please visit the University Ombuds page.

Other Complaint Processes for Students

对于在前面列出的主题领域中未解决的问题,请参阅 Syracuse University Grievance Procedures Policy. 研究生院的研究生申诉解决程序可在 Policies and Requirements page. 投诉和申诉流程通常在部门或学校/学院级别开始并得到解决.

如果投诉不能在内部(大学内部)得到满意的解决,那么学生可以 向纽约州教育部投诉 (NYSED) which oversees higher education in New York.

投诉也可以向大学的认证机构提出, Middle States Commission on Higher Education. 委员会审查有关机构或其学术课程质量的实质性问题的投诉.

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
Email: info@msche.org  Spanish: españolinfo@msche.org
General link: www.msche.org

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